By Raffles MLDCS
Jauh di mata,
Dekat di hati,
Don’t worry kerana,
MLDCS will be your kawan sejati <3
The Malay Literary & Drama Cultural Society (MLDCS) strives to promote Malay culture and identity within the Rafflesian Malay community through fun and insightful cultural activities. Beyond that, we hope to be the bridge that connects the Malay community to the wider Rafflesian community by forging a deeper appreciation of Malay heritage and issues and meaningfully engaging with one another.
For those who may be concerned about commitment, fret not – as an event-based CCA, MLDCS isn’t very demanding. Simply put, being a member of MLDCS isn’t very pressurising as CCA sessions aren’t held on a weekly basis! The events and activities held throughout the year engage MLDCS members with activities involving current affairs regarding the Singaporean-Malay community while creating an opportunity for bonding, either between or within batches. In fact, due to the close-knit environment of MLDCS, it is almost guaranteed that both Y5 and Y6 batches will be involved in every event, giving you many opportunities to bond with your kakak-kakak and abang-abang.
A typical journey as a member of MLDCS starts with a bang – our Year 5 Orientation Camp! There, you’ll be thrusted into a host of exciting activities, from immersing yourself in that Kampong Spirit to participating in some invigorating yet meaningful games to lighten the mood. You’ll also get the chance to see some familiar faces and perhaps even some new ones: your batchmates! Indeed, it is through these three days that you’ll probably make some of your closest friends in your RI journey.
Afterwards, the annual Seminar Belia (Youth Seminar) will be held and hosted by yours truly. It brings together students from secondary schools and junior colleges all across Singapore to dissect some of the pertinent challenges heading our way in the wider Malay community. A panel of speakers comprising some influential Malay figures in Singapore will also be invited to share their inputs in this seminar. Don’t worry, you’ll have ample chance to speak with them during the Q&A session.
Traditionally, during Ramadan, all MLDCS members will be invited to gather in school and break fast as one Rafflesian family. You’ll get to talk and catch up with your batchmates over food, followed by Ramadhan prayers together. It will certainly be a timeless memory, perhaps even serving as some short respite from the “Promo grind”.
After the fasting month, you can look forward to Raya visits to the homes of your batchmates during Jalan Raya! Although we weren’t able to carry this out this year due to Covid-19, this is definitely a tradition to be continued in the upcoming years. Usually, we would traverse Singapore in large rombongans, which might be a little challenging, but would, overall, be a fun experience, especially when everyone is donning their colourful Raya outfits!
MLDCS welcomes all who are interested in being part of our wholesome community. Through the events carried out, we hope to create an environment for all members to spend time together and have fun amidst the JC hustle. In MLDCS, you can expect to forge meaningful friendships and create memories that will be treasured dearly. To the future batches joining us, we hope you’ll find your home here!