By Tay Yu Ning (25S07A) and Isaac Tay (25S06L)
In an era where technology shapes nearly every aspect of our lives, coding has become more than just a technical skill—it’s a gateway to endless possibilities. Yet, for many beginners, the world of programming can seem as cryptic as ancient hieroglyphics. Whether you’re eyeing computer science as a potential major or simply want to automate your daily tasks, understanding where to begin can make the difference between frustration and success.
The Building Blocks
While many coding languages beckon, Python stands out as an ideal starting point for several reasons:
- Clean, readable syntax that resembles English
- Extensive libraries for various applications
- Strong community support
- Versatility across web development, data science, and automation
Unlike many other languages, Python doesn’t overwhelm beginners with complex concepts like memory management or variable declarations. Think of Python as the friendly neighbor who speaks in clear, simple English. Unlike other programming languages that might sound like ancient Latin, Python reads almost like a storybook:
Getting started with Python is easier than you might think. You can begin by watching some beginner-friendly tutorials online. There are excellent free resources available, like the comprehensive guide by Programming with Mosh: a perfect crash course with a clear, structured approach for complete beginners.
Or if you prefer a more detailed approach, freeCodeCamp offers an excellent full course:
(comes with practical exercises. It also has dubbing in Spanish, Portuguese and Hindi if you would like to listen in a different language )
At its core, Python is an interpreted language, which means it executes code line by line rather than compiling the entire program at once. This approach makes debugging easier and development faster. Python follows an object-oriented programming paradigm, where everything in Python is an object— – from simple numbers to complex data structures. This consistent approach to data handling makes it incredibly powerful yet easy to understand.
Think of learning Python like learning a new game. Start with the basics— – maybe print a simple “Hello, World!” message. Then gradually try new things, experiment with different commands, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Every error is just another opportunity to learn something new.
For those who may want to create a website on your own, JavaScript is for you! From the most basic of web pages, to the interfaces of the most popular apps like Google and Microsoft, JavaScript (JS) is used almost everywhere and is thus a must-know language in the programming world.
Ever wondered how a website behaves the way it does, from clicking a button to clean, smooth animations as you scroll down? JavaScript is the force behind these interactive elements of any website. And just like how no human being works best alone, JavaScript has two best buddies it is always together with—HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). To briefly explain these two in relation to JS, HTML is the basic foundation of the website, CSS is what makes the website look nice, and of course JS is to make the website feel nice. Together, these three form the Trifecta of web pages.
JavaScript is a great way to start one’s journey in the programming world. It is easy to set up, only requiring a text editor (a place for you to code, like VS Code and Notepad++) and a web browser (a place where your website is displayed, like Google Chrome). Edits are displayed in real time, which means you can have your text editor and web browser side by side to see how each new line of code changes the elements of your website. It is also very easy to learn the language, i.e. how the code should be properly written for your computer to understand, which means writing in the correct order and format. It tends to be more forgiving as a language, which means your whole program won’t crash if you make one tiny mistake.
WARNING: Not to be confused with its distant cousin bearing a similar name, Java. Though they sound similar, that is the only thing these two programming languages have in common. Java is more commonly used for backend (server-side, anything you don’t see on a website you’re looking at) development. And if someone walks up to you and says, “Hi, I code in Java”, run. You do not want to mess with those kinds of people.
To learn more about JavaScript, simply head on over to YouTube where countless JavaScript tutorials and resources have been uploaded. You can also check out freeCodeCamp for structured coding tutorials for JavaScript and more.
Programming Terms Beginners Must Know
In order to be a master programmer, you must, at least, sound like one. If you ever find yourself in a conversation with 6’5” blue-eyed finance tech bros, here’s a few common terms you must know.
(Programming) language – the type of written language which tells computers what to do. Examples of languages include Python, JavaScript, C, C++ and more.
Debugging/patching – the process of fixing errors in a program, otherwise known as bugs.
Algorithm – set of instructions given to the computer, in a fixed order. (insert pic)
Variable – an item which stores a value or data. Values and data in a variable usually can be changed.
Front end – the visual aspects of a website which users can see and interact with
Back end – the server part of a website which users cannot see. The back end of a website stores, retrieves or changes data and information.
Full stack – usually referring to developers who are able to program both the front and back end of a website.
Development Environment Setup
Here are some other resources that may be useful for your coding journey:
- Learning Platforms
- Communities
- Stack Overflow for problem-solving
- Reddit’s r/learnprogramming
- Local coding meetups
- Youtube
Closing remarks/tips
Coding is and should be treated like a skill. Much like learning how to cycle or play an instrument, you will need to dedicate time to work on it, and you will fail many, many times again. Get used to the failure. Sometimes, the code doesn’t work when it’s supposed to, and you don’t understand why. Sometimes, the code works but it’s not supposed to and you also don’t understand why. It’s all part of the process, so don’t despair.
To close us off and to get you started on your journey, if you ever forget how natural it is for coding to be mind-bendingly confusing, here’s an adaptation of a famous nursery rhyme:
“99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs. Take one down, patch it around, 120 little bugs in the code.”